By Brandon Smith
In November of 2021 the political left was frothing at the mouth in anticipation of the verdict against a conservative 17-year-old named Kyle Rittenhouse, who had used a firearm in self defense against a mob of BLM supporters trying to kill him in Kenosha, Wisconsin. With the few shots Rittenhouse fired from his AR15 rifle, he managed to hit a convicted pedophile, a convicted domestic abuser, and a third assailant with a decade-long record of theft and violence. The first two died and the third survived; the rest of the mob ran away.
Statistically speaking, how was this even possible? Apparently you can’t spit in any direction at a BLM or Antifa protest without hitting a hardcore criminal, and it proves that leftist mobs are often made up of the worst kinds of people. The kind of people attracted to riot environments because of the opportunities they provide to satiate criminal tendencies, all while those psychopaths pretend to to be fighting for a cause. Rittenhouse did the world a favor that day.
When Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges, leftists were furious. The corporate media and even the White House had spent the better part of a year trying to demonize him as a “racist” (even though no one who got shot was a minority), and a “right wing extremist.” Even now, many on the political left still argue that Rittenhouse should be punished if only because his vindication in court might lead to even more acts of “right-wing vigilantism.”
My question is, what is wrong with vigilantism? Since the media is going to conflate self defense with vigilantes, lets really get to the root of the issue here – If a person or organization is belligerently opposed to self defense and good samaritans, I have to wonder if it’s because they have their own criminal intent?
When we’re talking about the moment a threat has been presented to innocent people, is it not incumbent upon bystanders to stop that threat if they are able? There are many critics out there with malicious intent that want to turn this into a purely legal issue, but I really don’t care about that. What I care about is the moral issue; is it moral to stop a dangerous person from threatening and harming others? Or, is it morally superior to simply sit back and do nothing until the “authorities” arrive?
In the case of death of Jordan Neely, the media once again blames the people taking action to stop a violent criminal terrorizing the public rather than blaming the criminal and his behavior. The narrative trend SPECIFICALLY admonishes the concept of “vigilantism,” with outlets like ABC claiming that vigilantes “disproportionately target marginalized communities.”
In other words, according to leftists if you move to defend yourself against a criminal who is a minority, you’re probably an extremist and a racist.
They certainly want blood when it comes to Daniel Penny, a Marine veteran that stepped in to stop Neely as he allegedly threatened multiple passengers trapped with him on a NY subway train. Penny was arrested on manslaughter charges and subsequently released on bond awaiting trial, but in a city like NY is is clear that the goal of Democrats is to politicize the event as much as possible. Like Kyle Rittenhouse, they want Penny to pay, not because of what he did, but because of what he represents to them.
If you think I’m exaggerating, just take a look at race grifter Al Sharpton’s argument that Penny must be prosecuted because if he is not, it sets a “precedent” for vigilantes:
It’s important to keep in mind that video evidence shows at least two other passenger on that train moving to help Penny restrain Neely (at least one of them was black), while other passengers reportedly thanked Penny for stopping the man. This is not the behavior of people who just witnessed a murder, it’s the behavior of people who were saved from a lunatic.
Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately depending on your point of view), Penny’s choke hold may have led to Neely’s death according to medical examiner reports. The media has gone to great lengths to paint Neely as a happy-go-lucky street performer that “made people smile” but who also had mental health issues; just an innocent homeless guy who was misunderstood.
Neely had at least 42 prior arrests at the age of 30. In 2015 he kidnapped a 7-year-old girl and dragged her down a street (he was arrested but received only four months in jail). In 2019 he punched an elderly man in the face without cause. In 2021 he punched an elderly woman in the face without cause as she exited the subway, breaking her nose and orbital bone. Neely had also been captured on video attacking people in the streets of New York.
The mainstream media, as usual, has been busy obscuring Neely’s criminal record (just like they did with George Floyd) and is elevating his childhood tragedies instead, including the murder of his mother. Their spin is reminiscent of the Audrey Hale trans shooter event – We’re supposed to feel bad, but only for the people serve the media narrative. The truth is that many of us have tragedy in our history, that does not mean we are justified in taking it out on innocent bystanders.
This was a man asking for trouble, and he found it. It’s really that simple.
Mental illness and poverty are fast becoming the go-to excuses for the dismissal of violent behavior, especially when a “marginalized person” is the perpetrator. It’s a way to divert blame from the criminal and place it in the lap of “society,” a homogeneous conception that can’t ever really be punished for anything. Thus, there is no justice, because the criminal is always the victim (unless he’s a conservative) and the heroes are always the villains for acting without government permission.
That said, if we really want to place blame on the problems of society and how they relate to Jordan Neely, it might be prudent to acknowledge that Democrat states like New York have a high rate of circulation when it comes to violent criminals. Prisons seem to be a revolving door and activist District Attorney’s tend to reduce sentences for offenders if they happen to be a minority.
Neely should have been locked up in an asylum, but we don’t really do that much in America anymore, which might be part of the reason why violence is a continuing problem in our nation. We used to separate such people from normal healthy communities. As we back away from this practice violence has been on the rise. There is at least a correlation that needs to be investigated.
Also, let’s not forget that New York police in particular have argued in court that they are not legally required to intervene in the middle of a criminal act, and often ignore crimes committed on the subways. They say they do not have a duty to protect and are only there to clean up the mess AFTER the crime has happened. The US Supreme Court has supported this argument in the past.
So, if the system is not going to lock up violent offenders and the dangerously unstable to keep law abiding people safe, and the police are not going to step in to save you if you get attacked by one of these crazies, then what other option do you have but to take them out? The government has left you with no other choice but vigilantism.
And maybe the media will demonize you like they did to Kyle Rittenhouse or Daniel Penny. And maybe you will be arrested for your actions, but there comes a time when we need to stop caring about that. Good people do the right thing regardless of the circumstances or consequences. If America needs anything today, it’s more vigilantes; not more cowards and pacifists hiding behind the law.
In a world where honorable people submit to abuse because the government hasn’t given them permission to defend themselves and others, freedom dies a quick death. We don’t need their permission.
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This bring to mind the story of Ken Rex McElroy from Skidmore, Missouri. A violent criminal who terrorized the town for years before the townsfolk finally ventilated him in 1981.
I also remember an old article from the late William Lane Grigg on his Pro Libertate blog titled ” ‘V’ for Vigilante” where he discussed the vigilance committees of the Old West.
“My question is, what is wrong with vigilantism?… When we’re talking about the moment a threat has been presented to innocent people, is it not incumbent upon bystanders to stop that threat if they are able?”
Despite the best efforts of the Dark Powers to deny that such things as Natural Rights exist… those Rights do indeed exist and they do not require or need anyone else’s permission to be Deity-given and essential rights of LIfe for all human beings and other life forms.
‘They’ can deny God and They can deny Natural Rights. But that’s like a group of people denying that the Sun is shining every day. That is pathological denial of basic and true reality. The Sun does not need anyone’s permission to shine and do what it wills. And so it is with Natural Rights and those gifted rights that are fundamental to being human.
The right to self-defense is one of those Natural Rights beyond the reach of ‘permission’ of anyone or anything. If anyone doubts that then they should take that up with animals out in the wild who are chasing or being chased by another. Tell them they don’t have a natural right to protect and defend themselves.
When the traditional levers of power no longer work in our society… individuals are going to step up and fill that gap with organic street solutions. Why? Because living in a social world demands that certain life functions continue no matter what. The ability to eat and drink. The ability to trade. The ability to stay healthy. And the ability to be safe and secure in an increasingly dangerous world without much institutional protection as required under a true and real Social Contract between individual and government.
As traditional social institutions continue to break down and abandon their former role
as central pillars of our society, more and more creative solutions are going to emerge from We the People. We can’t get fooled anymore. We can’t trust anymore. We can’t wait anymore. And we can’t be gaslighted anymore. The Dark Powers have had their day and Their fun with us… and those days are over.
All we can do with them now is just shake our heads and laugh at their arrogance and
idiocy. While They argue with The Sun.
“There are many critics out there with malicious intent that want to turn this into a purely legal issue, but I really don’t care about that. What I care about is the moral issue; is it moral to stop a dangerous person from threatening and harming others? Or, is it morally superior to simply sit back and do nothing until the “authorities” arrive?”
Exactly and great article, Brandon. I would say that about 95% of Americans refuse to take a stand. They refuse to stand up to the bully in fear that the legal system will then defend the bully and punish them instead. I, for one, do not belong to the 95%. Yes, it’s gotten me in trouble at times, but I am proud to say that I am part of the 5% that will protect others. Run a stop sign at 35-40 miles per hour in a residential area just blocks from an elementary school…you will get honked at and yelled at by me A-holes!
Off topic, but another poster here wanted to see some coverage on chem trails: https://expose-news.com/2023/05/24/chemtrails-are-not-a-theory-they-are-a-conspiracy-fact/
Just gonna chime in here and sat that I’ve watched them in real time on the Atlantic NorthEast coast over a dozen times. Clear sky, a grid is sprayed and then a high altitude haze for the remainder of the day…
Plus there have been plenty of whistle blowers
“As James Corbett said in his “Magic Words” video, “Stratospheric Aerosol Injections / Geoengineering” is the search term you need to cut through the crap and get to the nitty gritty on this subject.”
What do you think about Stewart getting 18 years in the clink? Federal agents don’t get punished. Just look at how Epps is running free. Stewart must have betrayed his handlers or something?
Federal informants go to jail all the time, but I don’t think he will be in prison long. It seems clear that Trump will be back in office in 2024, barring some kind of total collapse of the system and the end of elections. Every J6 prisoner will be pardoned after that. Even those that probably acted as informants in the past.
Why do you think Epps is running free then? Surely if Stewart deserves 18 for likely just some hypothetical civil war text messages as if an armchair historian predicting yet not advocating for civil war, and for preparing for possible defense with some weapons in a hotel that were no where near the capital, then Epps deserves 10 or so for directly telling people the night before to go into the capital. Why did they throw agent Rhodes under the bus but refuse to even talk about let alone charge agent epps?
Probably because Epps is currently on the payroll and Rhodes is not any longer. They may throw Epps under the bus as well if it serves their interests in the future. And again, Rhodes is not going to be in prison for much longer than a year, maybe two. There will be blanket pardons in 2024.
Speaking of Floyd the chimp. Happy anniversary on another year of sobriety.
Another excellent article which reinforces, in my mind, the idea of getting out of any blue city and especially big blue cities. If you are not a member of the leftist hive mind they will actively come after you. If you are assaulted by one of them or one of their protected, you will be arrested for defending yourself, then they will convict you in their courts. They do not ascribe to traditional morality, they ascribe to the tenants of their cult. The only way to deal with these people is to be apart from them. Be apart and shun them if they enter your surroundings. Their minds are corrupted and their leaders are both corrupt and criminal.
There’s no living with the left.
“Mental illness and poverty are fast becoming the go-to excuses for the dismissal of violent behavior, especially when a “marginalized person” is the perpetrator. It’s a way to divert blame from the criminal and place it in the lap of “society,” a homogeneous conception that can’t ever really be punished for anything.”
You made the point in the article but I just want to reinforce it, that the very ones who are wailing against any attempt to stand up for yourself or innocent others are the same ones who are causing these societal breakdown problems to begin with. And I believe it’s on purpose.
They know full well what they’re doing. But that has always been the playbook hasn’t it? Cause a problem, have a ready-made so-called solution to the problem (Which never is a real solution rather it’s only a vehicle for taking away rights and freedom steering us toward totalitarian control), and lastly demonize everyone on the other side for the problem. It’s a tired worn out playbook but it works for them. Accuse your opponent of exactly what you yourself are doing. Most Americans don’t seem to be able to see through it or we wouldn’t put up with one more minute of it.
All of these evil world powers that you see in play right now are causing mental health issues among the population (vaccines, psych meds, financial attacks to break middle class, attacks to breakdown family unit by myriad methods), and then blocking any attempts to address the issues that they themselves cause. Then, when the real world fallout of all this materializes they turn the tables on us the peaceful citizens like Mr Penny when we won’t just sit there and take the abuse they set into motion.
Forbidding law-enforcement to step in in the middle of a life-threatening situation because they are no longer there to provide safety of the innocents but are instead only mandated to ‘clean up’ after a bad situation, well that is an abomination and renders law enforcement useless. I have been in the middle of a situation where there was a life-threatening altercation going on and I can attest firsthand to what you wrote there. Law-enforcement remained in their cars until they could get an all clear on their radios that the situation was resolved despite me fleeing and begging them for their help. Nope. They sat there. But for the grace of God it would’ve been resolved in my death but God intervened and it didn’t play out that way. The police were useless and I’ve never forgotten my bewilderment afterward. Oh it’s on purpose… That’s just another part of what they had to put in to place for our destruction.
I would add to your comment that ‘the police are useless,’ by stating that in my personal experience they are worse than useless. They are part of the problem and not the solution or even slightly helpful.
Spot on article. Most important thing to remember, anyone on that jury who was being assaulted who even considers a guilty verdict condones the violence. But, they would be fortunate to have someone like him around when it happens to them.
Al Sharpton’s statement doesn’t surprise me. He’s a social justice warrior. He is one of those taking an active part in the division of the United States.
We’re in Orwell’s “1984”: the tyranny in place or in progress needs an external enemy (real or not) and an external enemy (real or not) to justify oppressive decisions over its own “citizens”.
Here’s an interesting article by Paul Craig Roberts on the state of the United States:
“The United States Has Been Destroyed by Its Ruling Elites”. For your readers, no doubt about it.
In my 2nd paragraph, I wanted to write: We’re in Orwell’s “1984”: the tyranny in place or in progress needs an inside enemy (real or not) and an external enemy (real or not) to justify oppressive decisions over its own “citizens”.
Brandon, what is your take on the debt circus?
I suspect it will drag on longer than people think. I would be surprised if Congress approved the current deal on the table. It’s always a wild card, because the establishment could use a debt stalemate as a way to blame conservatives for the economic crisis, they’ve been building the narrative for months now. Of course, Republicans usually cave in and raise the ceiling, but I’m always raising the odds that one day they won’t.
“Better to be tried by a jury of twelve than to be carried by six.”
I’m not so sure about that in our present day, especially within the blue cities and states.
And if you’re still living there, isn’t it past time that you make the decision to move out?
Maybe we’d be better off to walk softly and conceal carry a big handgun.
Law enforcement isn’t going to get involved in a shootout situation, and they’re not under ANY obligation whatsoever to step in and risk getting shot up themselves.
So what’s our solution? Time to carry and be ready if the situation goes south.
In another news story I recently read, the author strongly urged readers to not follow the government advise of “run, hide, fight” if confronted with an active shooter incident. Instead, they strongly suggested immediately fighting back, and listed some great points as to why to do so. Among them were that the bad guy threatening others is after maximum body count and will cower at stiff resistance. They don’t want to go out by only taking out a small handful of helpless victims, they want dozens before dying in blaze of glory. They will have to shift from shooting hapless victims to taking cover to keep from being thwarted in their body count goal.
The government advise is to designed to make us as helpless and dependent upon the government as possible. It isn’t in our best interests. The same is what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse. That was because he showed us that we can defend ourselves, which the government DOESN’T WANT! And the same thing is now happening to the Marine who took out Jordan Neely.